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Rock Crystal with Tourmaline AA

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Rock crystal is a widely popular precious stone, which has been known since ancient times. It is the purest, limpid variety of crystalline quartz. Under certain conditions, when there is a change in acidity, oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide content or the concentration of hydrothermal solutions, other minerals form inside the crystal mass. We call these minerals “trapped” inside the crystal inclusions. This rock crystal contains tourmaline. It is hidden in deposits with high boron concentration. The stones are usually black shorl or brown dravite – tourmaline varieties.

Special conditions/ treatment: There is no need for special handling with rock crystal with tourmaline.

About the product: Rock crystal has been smoothed out into a round flat shape. We sell smooth stones in 1 kg package; however some of them are available also in 0,5 and 0,25 kg variant.